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Welcome, Welcome, Welcome!
The only way you could have ended up on this page is because someone we love sent you to us, so we are going to take real good care of you. 😍🤗
The 7 day trial offer is only valid for new students.
(If you are already in our system, you can select any other pricing option.)
Please do not create duplicate accounts just to get the freebie. We audit for duplicates daily. your trial will be suspended, and your account flagged😿
Click on Get Started Button below, Confirm, and Create Profile 🔐
Use your promo code at checkout to discount the trial to $0 💸
Book your classes. 🏆
The 7 day trial will activate on the date of the first class you book, and end 6 days later, so take as many classes as you can on us. Email us if any trouble, and welcome to the fam!
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